In Andean Mythology, the Amaru is a dragonlike creature that destroys worlds in order to create space for new ones. It is believed that the apparition of the Amaru marks important transitions, such as droughts, shifts of power, wars or plagues. Part jaguar, part deer and part serpent, the Amaru is a symbol for life, wisdom, strength and power.

Often times, the Amaru is confused with a dragon or an enormous serpent (in Quechua: Machakuay), but it has never been a representation of harm or danger. However, its apparition, many times sudden and violent, is an unmistakable sign of change.
Amaru Films is inspired by this powerful being, as we aspire to acknowledge filmmaking as a personal art. The Amaru destroys worlds before replacing them with new ones, and similarly we believe it necessary to drop our own expectations in order to grow. Filmmaking’s aesthetics are cultural and every individual has to break down personal barriers in order to discover his/her own approach to the process.